From Friday-Sunday, April 4-6, we’re partnering with On Fire Ministries and Resolute Ministries for a Regional Prophetic Conference! Two nationally known prophets in South Africa will teach, impart, and prophesy, and there will be prophetic worship also.  The goal is for the church in the area to be strengthened, further equipped, and stirred up with the word of the Lord!  Friday sessions are at 10AM and 6:30PM at On Fire Ministries (115 E Pacific Ave, Spokane), the Saturday session is at 10AM at One Fire Ministries and 6:30PM at Resolute Ministries (1165 W Ironwood Dr, CDA), and we’ll be hosting one of the prophets on Sunday morning at 9:00 & 11:30 at Oasis. This regional gathering will reverberate in the Spirit over this whole area, bringing blessing and expanding glory!


There are a number of new life groups and house churches starting!  These groups help us to connect with each other, grow together, and be strengthened in our daily lives as we follow Jesus.  There's even one on Zoom!  To see the list of groups, simply scroll down!


On Friday, March 14 at 6:30PM at the church building, we'll be welcoming for the first time Robert Prakash.  Robert flows in the love of the Father, with healings and miracles.  He ministers in many countries of the world, and loves to equip believers to flow in signs and wonders.  If you need healing in your body, or know someone who does, come expecting!  Robert will also be ministering during the Sunday services at 9AM & 11:30AM on March 16.  This will be a powerful weekend!  



  • The first and third  Monday nights of each month  at 6:00PM at the church building. Enjoy dinner (bring a dish to share), come alongside other guys to press into God's design and calling, and mentor younger men.



  • "She Laughs" women's ministry meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00PM at the church building.  Enjoy dinner (bring a dish to share), and connect with other ladies as well as hear from various ladies share from their lives.
  • Women's Prayer Group, intercede and receive prayer.  Wednesdays at 2:00PM (contact us for location info).



  • Wednesdays, 6:30PM at the church building.  Junior high and high school students enjoy hanging out,  snacks, playing games, and growing in their relationship with God. 



  • Tuesdays, 5:30-8:00PM in rotating  homes in Post Falls/CDA area (contact us for location  info).  Have dinner together (bring a dish to share), make new and deeper friendships, connect with God in new ways, share challenges together, grow in your spiritual gifts, and have fun!
  • Thursdays, 5:30-8:30PM (contact us for location info).  Enjoy dinner together (bring a dish to share), pray, worship, enjoy deeper friendships, get in the Word, and receive inner healing.  
  • Every other Thursday, 5:00-7:00PM (contact us for location info).  Enjoy a meal together, and discuss each book of the Bible using the Bible Project summary videos.  
  • Friday, once per month, 5:30-8:30PM (contact us for location info and date).  Eat dinner together (bring a dish to share), have an extended time of worship, discuss the Word, and go deeper with others.  



  • Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30pm (contact us for location info).  Indestructible Soul Life Group, learn strategies and biblical tools to heal and strengthen your soul.  
  • Thursdays, 6:30pm (contact us for location). “The Power of Authority!” Reading Answer It by Nancy Dufresne. 
  • First and third Thursdays, 7:00-8:00PM online on Zoom.  Discuss intimacy, identity, and destiny in Christ, with activations.  Contact us for info.
  • First and third Fridays, 7:00PM (contact us for location info). Establish a consistent study of the word of God and apply it, and see the Holy Spirit works in us and through us. 



  • Sundays, 8:00AM at the church building.  Press into what God is saying and doing in our church, city and region.